Photo: Pure Salmon Technology.

Being part of the land based industry for the past 20 years

Pure Salmon Technology has positioned itself in the land-based aquaculture market, with more than 25 large projects globally and have a market share of more than 30 in Norway.

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Pure Salmon Group of companies are a vertically integrated RAS technology provider and farmer. Pure Salmon Technology (PST) is the RAS technology solutions provider in this group and provides full flow sheet RAS technology solutions for the international land based industry.

Pure Salmon Technology is a specialist within land-based aquaculture and has been a major contributor in revolutionizing land based fish farming during the last 20 years, continuously focusing on fish welfare. As of June 2021, 8F Asset Management acquired Krüger Kaldnes. The company was, after the acquisition, renamed Pure Salmon Technology and employes today more than 110 people, located at headquarters in Sandefjord (Norway), Abu Dhabi, UAE and branch offices in Drammen (Norway) and Fredericia (Denmark). Prior to the acquisition in 2021, Krüger Kaldnes had since 2007 been owned by Veolia Water Technologies an independent subsidiary of Veolia.

“Our solutions are based on our many years of experiences in the industry. The heart of the water treatment is based on the Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) which provides a highly efficient biological treatment step. The MBBR operates in a continued manner and does not need regular wash down. Furthermore, it offers a very low footprint, ensuring a high m3 water volume/m2 ratio which is obviously interesting in a CAPEX intensive business like land-based. Our solutions include a range of patented and proprietary technologies, including water borne feeding and our NJORD automation and digital solutions”, commented Michael Mortensen, Chief Business Development Officer of Pure Salmon Technology.

Lerøy fish farm in Sjøtroll, Norway.
Salten Smolt RAS facilities.
Salmar fish farm in Tjuin, Norway.
Helgeland Smolt RAS facilities.

In addition to this, the company have a very strong focus on fish wellfare and knowledge building. “We have a in-house fish welfare department that are involved in anything from early phase facility planning to operational support. Our Aquaculture Academy serves to ensure the right competences to succeed with land-based farming both for Pure Salmon Group and our customers”, detailed Mortensen.


The executive explained that PST currently has several projects under construction both for external clients and for the group itself. “Our project in Japan is currently in the construction phase. Our Virginia project in the US began site preparation a couple of years ago, which, among other things, includes moving over move about 2 million cubic meters of soil per year, and work on the project will continue later this year. Other of our projects are in the design and engineering phases. In Norway we are currently delivering two large smolt projects for Grieg and Helgeland respectively. Including ongoing projects, we have delivered more than 25 large-scale land-based installations and have a market share of more than 30 in the world's largest salmon producing market, which is Norway.

According to Mortensen, the company recently participated in AquaSur and sees significant potential for terrestrial agriculture in Chile, so they plan to establish a more significant presence in the country in the near future.

“We are confident that our expertise in building large scale smolt and post smolt facilities in Norway will be valuable for the further development of this part of the industry in Chile. In Norway the target weight of post-smolt is now around 1 kg and will likely increase in the future. This provides a strong smolt that can better deal with biology challenges while at the same time reducing time in the sea and thus increase capacity of existing sea licenses. We are confident that the same development will happen in Chile”, the executive emphasized.

RAS tech

Specifically at RAS tech, which will be held soon in North Carolina, USA, Pure Salmon Technology is very excited to participate. “In addition to our booth, where our team can share information on our various technologies, including among other our waterborne feeding technology Hyflow, and our plant automation and digital solutions, NJORD, we will also be giving two presentations. One on our Plant Commissioning Concept – which is a very strong and unique concept that ensures efficiency and quality in the start-up and commissioning process of the highly complex RAS facilities. The second presentation is on our unique Pure Salmon Academy which provides critical training and competence building for both our own and customer staff”, concluded the Chief Business Development Officer of Pure Salmon Technology.