Photo: Oxzo.

The progress of Oxzo's operations in Norway and Canada

In addition, the company announced that it is looking at the global aquaculture industry, exploring other species and crops - other than salmon - to contribute with its oxygenation technology.

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Oxzo's international growth plans are significant, and their focus is currently on the markets of Norway and Canada, where they provide their oxygenation technologies to the salmon farming sector of these countries. Gonzalo Boehmwald, Commercial Manager of the company, tells Salmonexpert, a partner media of LandbasedAQ, about the progress of operations outside Chile.

How is the Oxzo operation in Norway going?

We are in discussions with all the industry stakeholders. Today there are significant challenges that are common across all companies and of course, we believe we can contribute with a solution that makes sense and supports and promotes productivity and health status. The magnitude and way of operating of the salmon farming industry in Norway have unique components that make it even more challenging. The technological development and impact of the suppliers are key in this scenario and of course, we are not oblivious to this.

What is the team in Norway?

In general, our vision, and perhaps it is a common global point in the salmon farming industry, is that we must be close to our customers. For this reason, the challenge for us has been significant. Technological transfer, along with support and service, are key in our model and we are proud to be a pioneering company in Chile as well as in the rest of the world.

The team in Norway is nourished and advances hand in hand with our local technical team. Specialization in different markets has allowed us to have a global perspective and a strategy on how to move forward and stay close to our customers. The team in Norway arises from our team in Chile and brings together local specialists who help us generate synergies in this integration.

And how are Oxzo's operations going in Canada?

The scenario in Canada is currently in constant motion. The announcement by the authorities regarding the NPTP (Net Pen Transition Plan) to close sea concessions in 5 years of course caused widespread rejection. We have to understand that the BC industry has been dealing with this type of announcements for years and the scenarios vary according to the governments in power.

Regardless of this, we are, just like in Norway, in discussions with all stakeholders. The industry also faces significant and unique challenges, which forces us to redouble our efforts in a demanding market that is currently limited in its growth. We are pleased with our expansion process in this industry and are confident that our proposal is well evaluated. We believe that we can contribute with solutions that provide an alternative path to the one currently proposed by the authorities. Our solutions aim to promote welfare, productivity, health status, and of course, advance in sustainability and energy efficiency.

Do you have plans to enter new countries?

We are always attentive to opportunities, today our focus is on Canada and Norway, however, we are not closed to continuing to expand our operations. As a focus at Oxzo, we are looking at the global aquaculture industry, exploring other species and crops where we can contribute with our knowledge and experience.

We are also looking at different applications in other industries, mining, food. If we look to the future, it presents itself full of challenges and opportunities, we have a solid technical team that allows us to be ambitious and foundations that give us clarity on how we should strategically move forward.