Photo: Skretting.

Skretting Chile revalidates the effectiveness of nutritional solution for salmon

During the first quarter, the company revalidated Protec Kidney, an effective tool against BKD, which strengthens the immune system and minimizes the impact of environmental stress on fish.

Protec Kidney is a nutritional solution that Skretting Chile has revalidated to continue promoting the renal health of fish. Bacterial kidney disease (BKD) is recognized for its chronic nature and its ability to affect the health and productivity of fish, both in freshwater stages and in sea fattening.

Through a press release, Skretting reported that Protec Kidney consists of a precise balance of minerals, a natural antimicrobial, and its formulation includes nutritional components considered in the Protec line diets, making it a fundamental tool for producers looking to improve the well-being and health of their productive stocks.

"This advanced multi-species diet is designed for the prevention and mitigation of BKD, which was validated in a trial conducted in the Magallanes Region during the first quarter of this year, resulting in it being an effective alternative for prevention, also strengthening the fish's immune system and minimizing the impact of environmental stress, crucial during periods of temperature break which are known risk factors for bacterial kidney disease," stated Fernanda Brantes, Health Diets Product Manager at Skretting Chile.

The study, which included a comparison with a standard diet with an external additive, showed significant results, as stated by the professional. "The fish fed with Protec Kidney maintained a 0% prevalence of the pathogen Renibacterium salmoninarum, while those fed with the standard diet showed a 10% prevalence at the end of the trial period. Additionally, a notable reduction in the score of kidney alteration and a significant decrease in the severity of lesions associated with granulomatous nephritis were observed."

"For breeders, the continuous use of the Vitalis Kidney diet is recommended and in the freshwater stage, its strategic use is suggested, by fish farming, taking into account their health history, temperature profile, and whether it will provide smolt to the Magallanes Region," the professional stated. 

During the fattening stage at sea, the use of this product is mainly recommended before the periods of temperature break and other factors that generate stress in the fish, which is directly related to outbreaks of BKD.

Skretting Chile recommends the strategic use of Protec Kidney as an integral part of the BKD management strategies, before critical and stressful periods for the fish, optimizing its effectiveness during periods of changing temperatures.